You can help:
- Click on Donate Now link
- Donate securely through CanadaHelps
- Receive a tax receipt online
- Socks are provided directly to partnered charities
It's an easy way to give.
Providing NEW socks to homeless youth, adults and marginally housed individuals:
- NEW socks are one of the most needed items of clothing for charities, however one of the least donated.
- Socks are needed year round. They protect from the elements and keep feet warm, clean and dry - and also provide dignity and represent one of the most basic necessities of life.
- Just Socks Foundation (Registered Charitable #: 836278176RR0001) was created to help reduce this gap and keep Canadians in clean new socks year round.
Just Socks is raising funds for new sock donations to give to our partners – registered Canadian charities serving homeless and marginally housed in Canada. via charity partners, corporate sponsors and public donation, has distributed just under 900,000 pairs of socks since 2015.
2024: 152,880 pairs of socks donated
2023: 134,520 pairs of socks donated
2022: 105,660 pairs of socks donated
2021: 66,008 pairs of socks donated
2020: 61,480 pairs of socks donated
2019: 57,500 pairs of socks donated
2018: 83,000 pairs of socks donated
2017: 80,000 pairs of socks donated
2016: 65,000 pairs of socks donated
2015: 45,000 pairs of socks donated
Messages from donors just like you!
- "Keep up the good work and keep those toes warm"
- "You guys are amazing! Keep up the great work of keeping feet warm and cozy for the city's most vulerable people"
- "Thrilled to be part of such a 'giving and needed charity' each year!
- "Keep on fighting the good fight"
- "Thanks for this opportunity to participate in your amazing initiative"
- "So glad you are doing the sock drive again"
- "Thanks to your kindness people struggling with poverty and homelessness are able to live with more dignity"
Please refer to our About Us / FAQ section for answers to commonly asked questions.
- Here is a quick overview of how we work on our end. Our efficient process is outlined in greater detail in our FAQ section.
- Collect online donations - Securely, using Canada Helps (more info in FAQ)
- Purchase socks in bulk - Perri's Socks produces quality socks at a low cost. They are our "sole" sock partner who subsidize every pair of socks donated.
- Provide socks directly to qualified Charity Partners - This ensures that the socks reach the Canadians who need them most.
- It's the most cost efficient way to help, minimizing overhead costs and unnecessary spending.